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Haus mit Garten samt Beleuchtung, Pool, E-Ladestation und Grill die durch Hausausführung ETGAR mit Strom versorgt werden
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Haus mit eingebauter Hausausführung/ Komplettsystem ETGAR

ETGAR Small Box



Eine kleine Werkbank, ein elektrischer Holzspalter oder doch nur eine Beleuchtung für die Abendstunden? Strom in der Gartenhütte ermöglicht einen echten Zusatznutzen in den Einsatzmöglichkeiten. 

Gartenhütte mit LED Leuchte daneben, mit Strom verbunden durch Hausausführung ETGAR
ETGAR Small Box SB

ETGAR foundation box



Wer hat nicht einmal von einem Teich im eigenen Garten geträumt? Gerade in Corona-Zeiten, in denen die Reisemöglichkeiten sehr eingeschränkt waren, kann der Sommer im eigenen Garten zum Highlight werden. Sogar ein beheizter Pool könnte mit unserer Hausausführung mit Wasser und Strom versorgt werden.

Pool und LED Leuchte, mit Strom verbunden durch Hausausführung ETGAR
ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

Basic component



For creating distribution and terminal points on the property. Accessory for the ETGAR building services outlet and for the extension set.

ETGAR Abschluss-BOX AB eingesetzt in ein Grundstück
ETGAR Small Box SB

ETGAR foundation box



Egal ob die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung, die jedes Jahr aufs neue die Einfahrt oder den Vorgarten verschönert, fest installierte Wegeleuchten oder Ambientebeleuchtung. Licht ist ein starkes Gestaltungsmittel, welches nicht nur im Haus eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

ETGAR Fundament Box FB, darauf eine mit Strom verbundene LED Leuchte
ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

ETGAR foundation box



Immer wieder hört man von Einbruchserien, da macht eine zusätzliche Sicherheitskamera in der Einfahrt oder im Garten neben dem gut versteckten Hintereingang durchaus Sinn. Doch auch Sicherheitssysteme benötigen Strom und ggf. auch eine LAN-Verbindung.

Überwachungskamera, mit Strom verbunden durch Hausausführung ETGAR
ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

ETGAR foundation box



Rasenmähroboter im Garten gehören ebenso wie Saug- und Wischroboter im Haus längst zur Standardausstattung. Auch dieser braucht natürlich eine Ladestation.

Rasenmähroboter im Vordergrund, LED Leuchte und Haus im Hintergrund, Gartengeräte mit Strom verbunden durch Hausausführung ETGAR
ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

ETGAR building package for building services outlets

for buildings without a basement


Denken Sie an die Stromversorgung in Ihrem Garten. Egal ob Mähroboter, Beleuchtung Grillplatz, Teich oder Saunahaus, alles benötigt einen Stromanschluss. Auch für Elektrofahrzeuge, die zukünftig an Stellplätzen auf Ihrem Grundstück geladen werden sollen, ist ein direkter und dauerhafter Zugang zu Ihrer Unterverteilung, dem „Herzstück“ der Stromversorgung ihres Gebäudes unbedingt erforderlich.

Eingebaute Hausausführung ETGAR, außerdem Mehrspartenhauseinführung FUBO und mit Strom verbundene E-Ladesäule
ETGAR Bauherrenpaket BHP

ETGAR extension set



Suitable for extending the empty conduit system of the ETGAR building package for building services outlets.

ETGAR Verlängerungsset VLS in einem Garten
ETGAR Verlängerungsset VLS

ETGAR foundation box



Egal ob die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung, die jedes Jahr aufs neue die Einfahrt oder den Vorgarten verschönert, fest installierte Wegeleuchten oder Ambientebeleuchtung. Licht ist ein starkes Gestaltungsmittel, welches nicht nur im Haus eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

ETGAR Fundament Box FB, darauf eine mit Strom verbundene LED Leuchte
ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

ETGAR foundation box



Fast jeder siebte Neuwagen im Jahr 2020 war ein Elektroauto. In den nächsten 10 Jahren soll die Zahl der E-Fahrzeuge von derzeit rund 200.000 auf 10 Mio. erhöht werden und die Anzahl der öffentlichen Ladepunkte von rund 20.000 auf 1 Mio. Das im März 2021 verabschiedete Gebäude-Elektromobilitätsinfrastruktur- Gesetz (GEIG) schreibt die Berücksichtigung einer Lade- und Leistungsinfrastruktur zwar nur für Mehrfamilienhäuser mit mehr als 5 Stellplätzen vor, aber auch im Einfamilienhaus ist es sicher sinnvoll, ausreichende Ladepunkte für die Fahrzeuge vorzusehen.

ETGAR Fundament-Box FB

Building services outlets

The efficient solutions.

In addition to a house entry that supplies each house with the supply lines for electricity and telecommunications, it is also important to supply the garden plot with electricity or telecommunications.

When building a house, there are so many decisions to be made, from the budget to the floor plan to all the technical and visual features of the building, that the design of the outside plot and the layout of the garden are usually only considered in more detail once the building has already been completed.

When building a new home, it is important to start planning the outdoor facilities at an early stage. In addition to the visual design options, there are many technical applications such as electric charging stations, robotic lawn mowers, garden lighting, pools, Wi-Fi or even security systems that require a supply of electricity or water. With our ETGAR house design system, everything is perfectly prepared for later connections and the building remains gas-, water- and radon-proof. Plan your SmartGarden - simple, flexible and future-proof.

Creating Single-Line Entries on Your Property

Single-line entries refer to utility lines that run from your house to various locations throughout your property. The demand for such entries is rising, particularly in new construction projects. It is crucial to plan for single-line installations early on to ensure that utility connections for water, electricity, gas, and telecommunications are easily accessible. Properly designed single-line entries not only facilitate efficient utility management but also enhance the overall functionality and accessibility of your property.

Single-line Entries: Applications and Benefits

Single-line entries are vital for various applications, especially when multiple utility lines are required on your property. During the planning of new construction, many homeowners neglect to consider outdoor spaces, often postponing these decisions until after the project is completed. This oversight can lead to complications, as retrofitting wall entries can be both expensive and challenging. It’s highly recommended to incorporate the planning and installation of single-line entries during the construction phase to make the process more economical and provide greater flexibility for future landscaping and utility needs.

Common applications for single-line entries include outdoor lighting solutions, such as those for driveways, garden paths, or pool areas, all of which necessitate a reliable electrical supply. By planning these entries in advance, homeowners can simplify and reduce costs for future installations of garden lighting. Additionally, with the increasing demand for outdoor electrical connections—especially due to the rise of electromobility—having a designated entry allows for easier installation of charging stations, whether on an exterior wall or in a garage.

Furthermore, a robust electrical connection is crucial, and having a pre-installed single-line entry facilitates upgrades in the future. This allows homeowners to quickly and easily add electrical systems as needed. Telecommunications cables are another essential utility that can be routed outside the home. This enables the setup of network connections in locations like garages or outdoor spaces, such as patios. Lastly, single-line entries can also be used to create convenient outdoor water connections, enhancing the usability of your property.

The Advantages of Single-line Entries

Single-line entries offer significant benefits primarily due to their underground installation. This method protects utility cables from frost, physical damage, and various other hazards. By integrating the entry during the construction phase, the need for costly retrofitting later on is eliminated, providing greater flexibility for future modifications.

Additionally, single-line entries simplify the installation of systems that must connect to home technology, such as garden lighting and electric vehicle charging stations. With a hollow duct system in place, future upgrades are straightforward and can be executed without expensive renovations or extensive excavation. These professional single-line entries are also completely gas and watertight, meaning there's no need for complicated sealing of retrofitted core drills. This ensures that the building remains protected against radon infiltration and groundwater. Overall, single-line entries not only enhance property functionality but also offer long-term security and peace of mind.

Solutions for Bulding Services Outlets from Hauff-Technik

Hauff-Technik presents the ETGAR builder package, a comprehensive solution designed for integration during the construction phase. This package includes all necessary components for establishing a flexible and multifunctional system for wall entries through the floor slab in buildings without basements.

At the heart of this package is the base unit, which is typically embedded directly in the house connection room, often located near the planned electrical panel. The base unit features four connections for corrugated composite pipes, which function as underground cable conduits leading outside the house.

The composite pipes, sized DN 75, come equipped with a pull-in aid for easier installation. These pipes can be directed in various orientations beneath the floor slab, allowing for flexible routing. Cable sealing is accomplished through a sealing insert in the base unit, combined with individual sealing plugs. These plugs are available for electrical, water, and telecommunications lines in various sizes, ensuring effective sealing regardless of the number, type, or diameter of the utility lines. Since each line is seated individually within its own sealing plug, subsequent installations are straightforward, eliminating the need for resealing the core bore. The completed system, along with the utility lines, is also completely gas and watertight, providing homeowners with reliable protection against any potential leaks.

Expansion and Extension Sets for House Connection Systems by Hauff-Technik

Hauff-Technik provides specialized expansion and extension sets that complement the ETGAR series, facilitating immediate or future enhancements to your connection system. These sets are particularly advantageous for large properties or when additional outdoor connection points are required.

The ETGAR extension set enables the elongation of underground composite pipes through the use of extension sleeves and supplementary piping. This design ensures that the system remains gas and watertight, delivering dependable functionality.

Additionally, the ETGAR extension set features four 2LINE G-BOX units from the ETGAR series. These boxes function as distribution and termination points in outdoor areas, allowing for easy access and connection. Installed flush with the ground, they connect directly to the composite pipes, serving as junctions for utility lines that can be distributed or linked to specific systems, such as garden lighting. With these innovative solutions, Hauff-Technik equips homeowners with the flexibility to adapt and expand their house connection systems to meet evolving needs effectively.